Week 10 – AGM & Trivia Night

Hi Everyone!

I hope your mid-semester break is giving you plenty of opportunities for rest and relaxation (by which we mean sci-fi marathons). We have something special planned for you next week: Our AGM, followed by a trivia night. On the 9th of October, next Friday, Spocksoc will be holding our 2015 Annual General Meeting at 5pm. Please note that the location has changed to QUADG052

We’re hoping to get the AGM underway as soon as possible, so we have as much time as possible for our Annual Trivia Night. We will also be voting for our club executive for the next 12 months, so try your luck! The AGM is important for us to remain an Arc Club, and we need at least 15 Arc Members to attend to remain affiliated, so even if you can’t stay for trivia come have a say in the club’s future.
After our AGM, we will hold our trivia night. Aside from the opportunity to test and share your knowledge of the shows we’ve been watching this year, and the weird world of sci-fi and fantasy in general, did we mention the prizes?

We hope to see you there, it should be loads of fun!
Ben Koschnick

Week 9 – Orphan Black

Orphan blackCome down to Spocksoc this week as we watch season 3 of Orphan Black

The series follows Sarah Manning, a con woman and small-time hustler. She witnesses a bizarre incident- a woman who appears to be her exact twin, committing suicide by jumping in front of a train. She jumps at the chance to steal the woman’s identity and savings, but quickly finds herself drawn into a deeper conspiracy.

As always, we will be meeting in Macaulay Theatre and 5pm and doing a pizza run at 7pm

Until Next Time
Ben Koschnick

Week 8 – Daredevil

DareDevilThis week Spocksoc returns to the world of superheroes, secret agents, vigilantes and the many faces of Stan Lee with a marvellous romp through Hell’s Kitchen. This week is Daredevil:

Daredevil follows the journey of attorney Matt Murdock, who in a tragic accident was blinded as a boy but imbued with extraordinary senses. Murdock sets up practice in his old neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen, New York where he now fights against injustice as a respected lawyer by day and masked vigilante at night.

We’ll be meeting on Friday at 5pm, with a pizza run at around 7pm, at Macauley Theatre.

Until Next Time
Ben Koschnick

Week 7 – Arrow

ArrowDo you love delicious treats: made with ingredients fresh from across the narrow sea and baked in dragonfire? Spocksoc is serving a feast fit for a king this week with our bake sale: a Song of Spice And Flour. Come and find us at the library this Friday anytime from 10am to 4pm to support Spocksoc and our screenings

But even that is only the icing on the cake. We have someone else. We have, something, else. From 5pm our weekly screenings continue with season 3 of the Arrow

After five years stranded on an island, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is found and returned to his family in Starling City. During the day he works to rebuild his life, while at night he hunts down those responsible for the violent crime rates under the guise of a hooded vigilante. After driving Deathstroke out of Starling City, Oliver must deal with the aftermath for those close to him, while confronting enemies old and new.

We’ll be meeting in Macauley at 5 p.m. and having Pizza at around 7 p.m.

Until Next Time
Ben Koschnick

Week 6: The Flash

The FlashRun on down to Spocksoc this week as we continue through the fast-paced comic book adventure that is The Flash

Barry Allen is struck by lightning the same night as Central City’s particle accelerator malfunctions. When he wakes up after nine months in a coma, he discovers he has the ability to move at superhuman speed. Working with the disgraced scientists at Star Labs, Barry apprehends other ‘metahumans’, and protects the residents of Central City.

As always, we will be starting at 5pm in Macaulay and doing a pizza run at 7pm

Until next time
Ben Koschnick

Week 5 – Grimm

GrimmDespite the grim weather (groan), Spocksoc is hosting another Friday Night Screening. This week, we return to Portland, with the end of season 4 of Grimm

Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Bureau learns he is descended from a line of guardians known as “Grimms,” charged with keeping balance between humanity and the mythological creatures of the world (called “Wesen”). Throughout the episodes, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures, with help from his friend Monroe (a reformed Blutbad), and his partner Detective Hank Griffin.

As always, we’ll be meeting in Macauley at 5pm on Friday, and having a pizza run at around 7pm.

Also we have our next bake sale: A Song of Spice and Flour, on Friday of Week 7 (11/9). Bake some amazing treats for the day or swing by to purchase some baked goodies.

Until next time!
Ben Koschnick

Week 4 – Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy-Hollow-TV-Show-InfoAs the assignments start to build up, you need something to relax and settle your nerves. Come to Spocksoc, where the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will do exactly not that. This week the wrath of Moloch rolls in as Spocksoc does Sleepy Hollow

In the middle of the American Revolutionary War, Ichabod Crane is assigned a secret mission which ends as he beheads the Hessian soldier, the Headless Horseman, even as the horseman kills Crane. Over two hundred years later, the Headless Horseman is raised from his grave by an unknown party. However, with their fates so interwoven, the resurrection of the horseman causes Ichabod Crane to return to life. After the horseman beheads her friend and mentor, Lt Abbie Mills must team up with the old soldier to stop the Headless Horseman.

As always, we will start at 5pm in Macaulay and do a pizza run at 7pm.

Until Next Time
Ben Koschnick

Week 2 – Orphan Black

Orphan blackHi Everyone!

This week, we continue our regular Friday screenings with Orphan Black:

The series follows Sarah Manning, a con woman and small-time hustler. She witnesses a bizarre incident- a woman who appears to be her exact twin, committing suicide by jumping in front of a train. She jumps at the chance to steal the woman’s identity and savings, but quickly finds herself drawn into a deeper conspiracy.

As always, we’ll be meeting up at Macauley theatre at 5 pm, with a pizza run at around 7 pm.

We will also be meeting up at the Ritz Cinemas on Monday to see Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, so check out the Facebook event (below) for more details.

Until next time,

Facebook event for Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

Week 1 – Game of Thrones

Game of ThronesHi Everyone!

It’s the end of the holidays, and the start of a new semester. However, it helps to keep in mind that things could be much worse…you could be a character in Game of Thrones:

For those who need a summary, Game of Thrones is a battle of wits, politics, bloodshed and loyalty between the great houses of Westeros. From the gold of the House Lannister to the ruins of House Stark, from the resurging power of House Targaryen to newly appointed wardens of the north House Bolton, the land is thrown into turmoil in the fires of a war between fire and ice. In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die.

As always, this Friday we will be meeting in Macaulay theatre at 5 p.m. and doing a pizza run at 7 p.m.

Until next time!

O-week Screening – Once Upon a Time

Once Upon A TimeHi Everyone!

The winter break is nearing its end, so to make the most of it check out the events we’ve got running this week. On Friday we will be showing Once Upon a Time:

Once Upon a Time is set in the fictional small town of Storybrooke, Maine. The town is populated by characters from fairy tales, who have been exiled to the real world due to a curse cast by the Evil Queen as part of a revenge plot against Snow White and Prince Charming. After freeing the town from the Wicked Witch, Emma returns from her misadventure in the Enchanted Forest bringing more than one unexpected surprise.

On Monday, we will be meeting up at the Ritz cinema to see Ant Man, and on Saturday we will be finishing off the break with an Avatar: Legend of Korra marathon screening. Check out Facebook for details on both events.

Hope to see you there!

Legend of Korra Marathon on Facebook