Semester 2, Week 13 – Awesome ladies appreciation week

Orphan black

Hi everyone,

I should say something clever about the end of semester and tying up loose ends, but honestly I’m exhausted and also I used that line last week. Anyway, we’re finishing up a couple of other shows that we’ve only got like two or three episodes left of, and the theme for this week is Awesome Ladies!

First up, Emmy Award-winning omg actress Tatiana Maslany does her usual dazzling turn as approximately fifty different characters in season four of Orphan Black. Clone Club have been forced into an uneasy alliance with Susan and Rachel Duncan, but it’s probably only a matter of time before someone gets double-crossed. Also, Allison’s doing another musical. Fun times all around! A recap of all the twists and turns of the penultimate (sniff) season can be found here:

Next, not-yet-Emmy-Award-winning-but-I’m-sure-it’ll-happen-soon actress Hayley Atwell takes Peggy Carter out for one last impeccably-styled ass-kicking outing in the final (sniffle) episodes of Agent Carter. LA is under threat from Whitney Frost and her plans to dissolve the patriarchy into goo. Which is a great idea conceptually speaking, but is now directly threatening characters I like, so it’s probably worth putting a stop to. A musical number will also be in the offing. You can catch up the rest of Peggy’s final (sob) adventures here:

And we might also be watching the final episode of Daredevil since we didn’t get to it last week, but I wrote like a whole paragraph on it in the last email and it doesn’t fit the theme anyway, so yeah.

As per usual, we’ll be kicking off at about 5pm in the Macauley Theatre, with a pizza run for dinner around 7ish.

In other news, that great media machine that is the MCU is once again kicking into high gear. Don your Cloak of Levitation and open your Eye of Agamotto – Doctor Strange is in! The good doctor will be seeing patients from Thursday onward, and by the hoary hosts of Hoggoth, Spocksoc will be making an appointment! We’ll be making our usual outing Ritz-ward on Tuesday 1st November – all the gory details can be found here:

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday,


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