Week 6: Grimm

This week at SpockSoc, we’ll be continuing season one of Grimm, which we started last session.

Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Bureau learns he is descended from a line of “guardians” known as “Grimms,” charged with keeping balance between humanity and the mythological creatures (called “Wesen”) of the world. Throughout the episodes, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures, with help from his friend Monroe (who is a reformed creature), and his partner Detective Hank Griffin.

5pm Friday in ChemSci M18, as usual. Pizza run at 7-ish.

Also coming up, our annual trivia night and AGM, currently set for Friday of week eight – the first week back after the mid-session break. Just $5 entry, and hundreds of dollars’ worth of prizes to be won. Fun for all. Put it in your diaries now. =)

Hope to see you there,
el presidente

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SpockSoc Webmaster