Semester 1, Week 5 – The Flash Season Four Part One

Hi everyone,

This week, we’re going to climb into a giant robot and run very fast, but hopefully not at the same time.


On Friday our DCTV extravaganza continues with season four of The Flash!

Last season, our fast-paced friends from Central City weathered alternate universes, a musical episode, two separate superpowered evil sides and rather more sentient gorillas than you might reasonably expect. Barry and Iris got engaged, Wally got powers, Barry and Iris broke up because plot, Caitlin got powers, Barry and Iris got engaged again and mercifully managed to make it stick. What a rollercoaster!

When last we left our heroes, they’d managed to defeat Big Bad Savitar, an evil speedster who stood out from all previous evil speedster villains by being a) even more obviously CGI’d and b) an evil future version of Barry with a dubious and vaguely emo hairdo. But the vanquishing of Bad Barry (and his Emo Bangs) came at a cost: the present version of Barry had to sacrifice himself to the Speed Force for reasons that escape me at the moment, a devastating and permanent blow to the team that will definitely not be reversed within two episodes.

(if that didn’t sufficiently sum up the season, a recap can be found here)

Will Team Flash manage to cope without their leader? How unbearably quirky will this season’s version of Harrison Wells be? Will Iris ever do any actual reporting? Tune in on Friday for the answers to all these questions and more!

We’ll be watching the first seven episodes of season four. The race begins on Friday in Civil Engineering G1 (our new room for the rest of the semester, located approximately at the position of the red X on the map below). We’ll be starting around 5pm with a break for dinner around 7-ish. Pizza prices are $5 for half a pizza, $10 for a whole pizza. Add the facebook event to your calendars here.

What else is on?

Our next movie outing is A Wrinkle In Time on Tuesday April 3rd (moved from Monday because all public holiday tickets are full price). Find out more here.

Our April book club meeting is less than a week away, which is still plenty of time to read this month’s selection: Crossroads of Canopy by Thoraiya Dyer. You can find a blurb and purchase links here.

To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the MCU and the upcoming release of Avengers: Infinity War, we’re running a series of day-long MCU marathons in April. You can find the events for Phase OnePhase Two and Phase Three at the embedded links or on facebook.

Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming screenings, movie outings and more!

We look forward to seeing you this week,

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SpockSoc Webmaster