Week 7: Demons


With Joel and James both still away you get to have me in charge again this week, last week went well so all should be fine 🙂

We will be showing “Demons“, starting as usual at 5pm with a Pizza run around 7.

Demons is a fantasy series that follows the path of teenagers who have discovered they are the descendants of vampires. Other demon types are also in the show such as harpies and hybrids. It is a 6 episode series and may be hard to fit into one screening but we will do our best :).

Anyway, we’re in the Red Centre theatre G001 for the rest of session. It’s at the Western end of the Red Centre building (the end closest to Anzac Parade) – we’ll hang the SpockSoc banner on the wall where it can be seen from the main runway. Bring warm clothing – the air conditioning in that room consists of the air from outside coming in through the vents on one wall, and going out the vents on the other.

See you there,

Caroline Plank.

Week 6: The Lost Room

With Joel and James both away this week we are going to rearrange the Schedule a bit, and you will all get to see how I handle responsibility :-).

We will be showing “The Lost Room”, starting as usual at 5pm with a Pizza run around 7.

The Lost Room is a Sci Fi mini series from the SyFy Channel, with many actors from other similar series (recognisable faces: Peter Krause, Ellie Fanning, Chris Bauer, Alice Grace and Dennis Christopher). The series follows a detective who is investigating the strange things that occur, it doesn’t take long to realise these strange happenings are initiating with the use of objects that have all come from the same place. A hotel room that doesn’t exist, well at least not in the usual way. The show is just three episodes (but each about 1.5hrs) so we will just be able to fit it into one screening. I personally really like this series so I highly recommend you all come and check it out!

Anyway, we’re in the Red Centre theatre G001 for the rest of session. It’s at the Western end of the Red Centre building (the end closest to Anzac Parade) – we’ll hang the SpockSoc banner on the wall where it can be seen from the main runway. Bring warm clothing – the air conditioning in that room consists of the air from outside coming in through the vents on one wall, and going out the vents on the other.

yours truly,
Caroline Plank.

Week 5: Day of the Triffids

This week we’ll be showing the Day of the Triffids miniseries, made in 2009 – we’d meant to show it last session, but due to a miscalculation on my part, we didn’t get to see it. Following this, we’ll most likely show the movie Wall-E – I’d intended to show Futurama, but since we’ve wound up moving it earlier in the session, I won’t have enough episodes to show. I’ll bring what I have anyway and leave the choice up to the people there – James and I will be leaving early, as we’re off to Japan at 5am on Saturday. =D

Anyway, we’re in the Red Centre theatre G001 for the rest of session. It’s at the Western end of the Red Centre building (the end closest to Anzac Parade) – we’ll hang the SpockSoc banner on the wall where it can be seen from the main runway. Bring warm clothing – the air conditioning in that room consists of the air from outside coming in through the vents on one wall, and going out the vents on the other.

Starting at 5pm, pizza run at 7-ish.

Week 4: Legend of the Seeker

This week at SpockSoc, we’re starting off the second season of Legend of the Seeker, based on the Sword of Truth books by Terry Goodkind – this season is apparently based on the second and third books in the series. Don’t worry if you missed the first season – I’ll give a brief character recap before we start.

Starting from this week, we’re moving back to Rex Vowels to Red Center G001, the Electrical Engineering lecture theatre – it’s the same place we were last session. Check out the map on our website if you’re uncertain. I don’t have official confirmation of this at the moment, but if it turns out we’ll be somewhere else, I’ll stick up a sign at Rex Vowels Red Center G001. Starting at 5pm Friday as usual.

On a different note, since both myself and Vice President James are going to Japan for a holiday in a week and a half (wai! wai!) I’m making some changes to the schedule – essentially we’re swapping weeks five, six and seven with weeks nine, ten and eleven. Just a little heads-up to let you know – we’ll still be sending these announce e-mails each week like normal.

Week 3: Going Postal

The trivia night last week went well – much enjoyment was had by all. This week, we’re showing Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal, a new miniseries made by the same people who did Hogfather and the Colour of Magic, which we showed in sessions past. Then to fill the rest of the night, we’ll be showing four or five brand new episodes of Futurama, the new season which is currently being made in America.

We’re still in Macauley Theatre this week, starting from 5pm – remember, it’s on level one of the Quad building, directly under the bell tower. Pizza run at 7-ish. Entry is free for members – membership $5 at the door.

Week 1: Mystery Univrse

I hope you enjoyed your holidays, did well in your courses last session, and weren’t crippled too much by the NTEU. It’s back to uni for session two (already!) and we’ve got events every week like always. I’ve still not quite hammered out a full schedule, but I’ll have it done soon. Honest.

In any case, our first screening this session is Mystery Univrse, the last third of season one. We don’t have a room set for this one yet, thanks to all the administrative hoops that the uni makes us jump through, but rest assured it’ll be on this Friday starting from 5pm. Somewhere. I’ll let you know exactly where later in the week. Entry free for members as always, pizza run at 7-ish (as always).

And next Friday, we’ll be having our sort-of-annual trivia night! Yay! We’re holding in place of a screening this year in the hopes that more people will be able to make it. Come along and test your knowledge of Sci-Fi and Fantasy trivia against the rest of SpockSoc. It’s heaps of fun, and we’ve got heaps of prizes. It’ll be at 5pm next Friday (the 30th) upstairs in the Roundhouse – we’ll let you know the specific room next week. Entry is $5 for everyone, members and non-members alike – bring all of your friends. We’ll be having pizza for dinner like a normal screening.

Update:We have a room for this week’s Mystery Univrse screening: the Macauley theatre. It’s on level one in the Quad building, directly underneath the bell tower. For those still uncertain, I’ll hang our orange banner on the railing outside – if you stand on the Quad lawn and look around, you’ll be able to see it easily, and we’ll be directly behind it. Stairs are to the left and right (and in the lobby too, but that’s not immediately obvious) and there’s the lift way down near the chemist. The lawn, incidentally, is on level G. Level one is the floor above.

Remember, we start at 5pm, showing Mystery Univrse season one, episodes 14 to 20. Entry is free for members – membership is $5 for the year, or $2 for one screenings. We’ll be getting pizza for dinner at about 7pm – $5 per half pizza, plus a free can of soft drink.

Lastly, don’t forget the SpockSoc trivia night next week in the Roundhouse – exact room to be advised. Entry is $5 for all, so bring your friends. Lots of fun, lots of trivia, lots of prizes.

Update 2: A tentative Schedule for session 2 is up http://www.spocksoc.com/schedule/

Week 13: Eureka

Hey all! Last week of session, hey? SpockSoc won’t be having any events during the exam period or holidays (because people have exams. And go on holidays) but we’ve got another jam-packed session planned for you next session. As soon as we get some jam and start packing.

But first! This Friday we’re showing Eureka, the last four episodes of season three. Come along even if you haven’t seen anything of Eureka – I’ll give brief character descriptions so people know who’s who. We’re finishing off the season so we can start fresh with season four next session. It’s a great series starring Colin Ferguson as Jack Carter, the average normal-joe guy who happens to be the sheriff in Eureka, a town full of geniuses. And when things go wrong around geniuses, they go wrong real bad. =) 5pm in Rex Vowels. Pizza run at 7-ish.

Week 12: Warehouse 13 & Better Off Ted

Only two weeks of session left, aww. Anyway, based on suggestions and lack of enthusiasm in what we planned to show and what series we have left, I’ve decided on the screenings for this week and next week. This week, we’re showing the last four episodes of Warehouse 13 season one, and the last four episodes of Better Off Ted. Better Off Ted got cancelled last week, so these are the last four episodes ever (aww) but we’ll show the next season of Warehouse 13 next session. The screening starts at 5pm Friday in Rex Vowels as usual – pizza run at 7-ish.

Next week is the last week of session. We’ll be showing the last four episodes of Eureka season three, though I might show the fifth-last one for a bit of recap. Either way, we’re going to finish early that night, because the very next day, Saturday the 5th of June, we’ll be partnering up with the UNSW Anime society to marathon the whole of a Sci-Fi anime series. More details next week, but keep your diaries free, and come along to kick back and relax before Stuvac.

Week 11: Mystery Screening Uni

Getting on towards the last few weeks of session – boy do they go by so fast. This week’s screening is Mystery Screening Univ, starting from episode seven (because we reached episode six at our first screening in week one). I’m hoping as many people will still be able to come this week as there were in week one. =) In any case, it’s 5pm Friday in Rex Vowels, pizza run at 7-ish like usual.

Week 10: Primeval & Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire

This week at SpockSoc we’re showing two things. Firstly, we’re showing the last three episodes of the third season of Primeval, because that was how far we’d gotten at our last screening of it last year. Unfortunately the future of Primeval is a little uncertain, so I thought I might as well just get the remaining episodes out of the way. In Primeval, a team of scientists must protect modern-day London from strange portals in time which bring forth creatures from the distant past – and the far future. It’s made by the same guys who did Walking with Dinosaurs.

The second is a comedy fantasy series called Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire. It’s a short show – six half-hour episodes, and American… which means very American humour, which may admittedly be not to everyone’s taste. It still looks pretty good at first glance, so come along and try it out.

As usual for double-show screenings, we’ll decide on the night which we’ll show first. 5pm in Rex Vowels – pizza run at 7ish.